Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Photo Hunt

Most of us grow up playing this forever popular game. Now I'm stuck on it again ! Who says you need to invest in order to train your memory skill? Play it here FREE!!!

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Another Homework

Sigh.....good thing the submission date is 10th May!

Parents' Art Work

This is not the 1st time that I have to submit such similar homework from Jamie's school. Initially, it can be very fun but after doing it for the 3rd time, I started to sigh the moment I see it, arrrgggghhhh!!!!

Monday, April 30, 2007

Our 1st Electronic Piano

Have been eyeing one for the children since last month but I have been holding back the purse's string till I couldn't find it display at Kiddy's entrance this afternoon! I went crazy searching for it and found 3 sets left. Without hesitation, I grabbed one and headed home.... kids' joy = $39.90 invested

Sunday, April 29, 2007


A friend reminded me to let Jamie try this since she's coughing with phlegm. So I bought the highest grade of 珍珠 (equivalent to 12 dosages) for $96 (ouch!!). Thank God after 1 dosage, can see that Jamie doesn't cough alot and she gets to sleep through the night! Jeremy is okie at this moment.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Blessing in Disguise?

Thank God I took Jamie to her paediatrician as initially I wanted to stock up medicine for coming week but it turned out that she's diagnosed with slight bronchitis and need to be on antibiotic & nebulise for 5 days! Just hope that Jeremy will not catch the virus.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Me and My Son

While Jie-Jie is away, we had a nice dip for about 1/2hr. I enjoyed these special moments I have with Jeremy. It's very rare but I do treasure when there's opportunity for us to be alone, just both of us.


So no fever or accerelated coughing? .. she's off to the bird park!!


I almost couldn't access my blog !!! Tried doing all possible usernames/passwords with blogspot, gmail, google accounts for more than 1.5hrs ! Stressed!!!!!!!! Thank God I finally blundered into my blog!!! Phew! And I managed to cleared all confusions that I have AND also, I found another blog that I created (dunno when) under Jamie's name!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Parts of a Plant

See how Jamie drew the plants? At least she remembers to draw the roots! And the cloud which I recently taught her how to draw. Another interesting thing to note is, see the eyebrow that she drew on the boy? Funny hor!! (others will be 2 birds, 1 balloon & the sun)

Crossing Fingers

Jamie woke up this morning coughing on and off.

Asked her if her throat is painful or itchy...she said a bit itchy. Aggghhh.............. just hope she is well enough for her 1st school outing tmr to the Bird Park.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Snaps from HP

Found some photos taken from my Samsung Z400. So I uploaded few....

Jamie's doodle

Cute? She's improving in her own creativity... see the hair?? :D

Early Mornings

Our Jamie has been waking up quite early these days and some days, she will wake up as early as 7am while Jeremy and myself usually between 8-9am. So I told our helper to give Jamie some light homework (no supervision or guidance needed) like coloring, tracing or doing dot-to-dot. So this morning, she did the odd numbers dot-to-dot by herself. Not easy to introduce odd and even numbers for a 45mths old preschooler.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Monday, April 23, 2007


CQ and I sat through the class and found Jamie a little distracted yesterday. Perhaps she's tired and not used seeing so many uncles and aunties in the dance room? Anyway, I think she is doing fine as long as she enjoys learning ballet dance. Afterall, she is only 45mths old, commented her dance teacher, Miss Yap.
Can see Jamie? Yes the 1st girl in the row.

Sunday, April 22, 2007


Look at the bunch of Jamie's hair? This is the work of Jeremy's itchy fingers !!

New Remote Control Car

Upgraded to a bigger remote car as I find the other one quite difficult to control for a little toddler like Jeremy. Even I have lotsa fun playing with it!

Saturday, April 21, 2007

The AtlantisCity @ Delta

Found this new indoor playground near Redhill MRT (Delta Recreational Center) for the children to explore!! Thanks to a local forum's mummy's recommendation! I bought the playcard $20 which only cost $2 per hour for each kid. We were all very exhausted after a mere an hour of fun & play!

Friday, April 20, 2007

My 1st Swim Diaper!!

Finally let him put this on to prevent him from "polluting" the pool which he once did passed urine when I was carrying him !! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Which one nicer? Will get one of this to match his swim diaper :D