Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Hotwheels New Gadget Diecast Car

This was one of Jeremy's bday presents which I didn't give him. Since he was asking for present, I decided to let him have it. We were all in awe on how swiftly the car changed its color within split seconds!!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Fixing Puzzles

While Jamie was away attending a workshop at the CC, Jeremy & I did some right brain activities b4 fetching her and to IMM for lunch.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Boys

Jamie was the photographer...

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Early Reading

Started Joshua wif board books since he was around 3mths old. Who says early literacy is not good??

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Abacus Practise

While I was coaching Jeremy, Jamie on the other hand, was doing her usual daily abacus activities. She is now into advanced stage and soon she is going into multiplication b4 end of this year.

Home Practise

It's been quite some time Jeremy hasn't been practising using his fine motor skills and here , Jeremy is taught to stack up knobless cylinders using his logical skills as well. Not easy cos he needs to arrange for the thinnest to the thicknest in terms of width and height.

Spindle Box

After that, I also started revising number bonds and counting using the spindle box wif him.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

3D Under the Sea Art & Craft

We did (I think I did the most!) this during our free time. Nice??

Friday, December 11, 2009


Jamie started to swallow capsules last month, 11th when she suddenly out of the blue, asked me if she can try to swallow. And to my surprised, she did it!! And now, its so much easier to feed her supplements. And this Jeremy, upon seeing how his sister did, he also asked me to allow him to try. Guess what? He did it too!!! That's the power of peer pressure, whahhahaaa!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Story Island Holiday Programmes (8-10 Dec)

Today is the last day of the morning camp and here is Jamie receiving her "award" for being the best script memorising kid. I think she has enjoyed herself very much during the 3 days camp cos at the end of the last day, she requested to study at Story Island again (after 1/2yr break).

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

School Uniform

Finally settled her uniform this afternoon! *pardon me wif her crank, tired look as we went directly to the school after the chinese camp*

Maclaren Quest

Josh doesn't like the Lucky Baby Capella stroller (sold it off lately) & I managed to buy over this from a fren whose gal has outgrown. I think I've made a right choice... see how relaxed Josh was? This was his 1st time riding on it and b4 long, he had already dozed off!!

Sunday, December 06, 2009

4 Mois @ Baby Sling

I have almost forgotten that I have this sling and before I can use it on longer period, its already sold to a mummy! Joshua seems to like it so I will have to get another sling from a fren who is using another one fot her gal.

Saturday, December 05, 2009

Sold Bicycle

Glad that this bike was sold to a nice mummy for a norminal fee! Here was Jeremy doing his "last" ride on the bike. Anyway, he doesn't like pink and been pestering me to get him a blue one instead.

Friday, December 04, 2009

Bye, Bye! My Fav Wallet..

This is my best wallet ever so far... I liked its color and the design.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

New Shoes

Jeremy outgrown shoes pretty fast. Still remembered the last time I got him a pair of shoes was when his feet no longer fit into his shoes which he wears to school earlier this year. Since its his birthday, that gives me an excuse to get him 1 new pair.

Happy Birthday Jeremy!

Cannot imagine 4 years ago, I'm already in hospital waiting to give birth. Jeremy is a special child to me. He recognised my voice right from birth! He was a little fragile and his heartbeat rate was rapid hence was in ICU for a day or so and couldn't swallow down milk. We were very concerned and prayed hard. Thank God he started to drink well after our 1st closed up visit to the neonatal care on the 2nd day. So he was off the drip and on the 4-5th day, we all went home together. Anyway, we didn't put up any grand party for him but decided to give him little surprises throughout the day. Here's the 1st 3 surprises so far.

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Turning 4 Tomorrow....

Jeremy is recovering very well and thank God for giving me wisdom in bringing him to see a family doctor yday morning. His fever has already subsided since late last night after administering of antiobiotic to him. He is as per normal today and by tomorrow we should be able to celebrate his birthday as planned. Yea!

Kumon Puzzles

Managed to get good lobang for some very durable, thick easy to fix puzzles for the children. Particularly like the individual boxes to store the puzzles. Very organised. Hope to get all the transportation themes for Jeremy so as to create a deeper & keen interest in solving the puzzles.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

I Want To SLEEP!!!

I am not good in taking nice shots but this particular one I love it!! I like to see Joshua's different types of expressions.