Thursday, January 14, 2010

Bento #8

Wrong color selection can make the bento looks dull and unimpressive. Should use red or blue plate.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Joshua @ 5 Mois

This afternoon put him in the swimming tub for his swimming pleasure again. Enjoying kicking n splashing as usual.

Bento #7

Did a quickie lunch for Jamie within minutes.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Bento #6

The children had everything finished up!!

Explorer Kids

Monday, January 11, 2010

Bento #5

Jamie ate up all during recess today. Yea!

Downtown East Chalet

Finally we made it over last weekends for a short 2 days of fun n relax for the family! Think the kids enjoyed themselves the most while its tiring for the adults... either from lack of sleep or from bringing them to play the whole day. Anyway, its a good one despite the high noise level at 12mn on Saturday when many were celebrating birthdays and BBQ parties. I couldn't sleep a wink. Will be posting up some nice photos...
See how carefree & happy Jamie was while at the chalet??

Friday, January 08, 2010

Beginning of Potty Training

Joshua is growing very fast and today, finally, I've decided to start training him. Don't ask me how and what cos its really impromptu and I do hope that I can be consistent and "condition" him now for successful potty training.

#4 Bento

Hope Jamie is pleased to see this during recess later.

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

First Bento Dinner

Not bad for 1st timer??

Jamie's First Bento for Recess

Didn't want Jamie to eat in school everyday hence I've started looking into getting nice bento boxes, moulds, silicon/plastic cups, mini forks & spoons and cutters etc so that I can whip up an interesting yet delicious afternoon snacks meals for her. And I told her that she will bring my bento to school on every Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays while she will have pocket money to buy food herself on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Today I did a quickie cheese egg omelette wif marcoroni and finish up wif an onion cheese sausage. Guess what? The lunchbox was empty when she came home!! Yummy!

Time Management

Ever since Jamie starts P1 in the afternoon, as expected, indeed I do have more time for Jeremy which I will have more time alone wif him. Today, we were playing this "rush hour" IQ game. Cannot imagine, he is beginning to pick up more of such games from Jamie and can play on his own liao.

Monday, January 04, 2010

Start of School

Today marked the start of Jamie's primary school life for the next 6years. I am glad that I'm around for her during this important phrase of her milestone.
Getting Ready..... On the way....Reached!!
Settling down... National Anthem & Pledge
Proceeding to respective classrooms...
Going to buy food ... enjoying her snacks.
Photo taking after recess.

Jeremy & Joshua

Jeremy loves his little brother a whole lot more than anybody at home. He loves to kiss, hug and pat Josh every now and then.