Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Finally Jeremy crossed a month yesteday ! And that would also means that I'm now home alone with a little newborn & an active 29mths old toddler. Since confinement lady left on Sunday morning, I have not been resting well and I don't even have the "luxury" to go to the loo, really ! Hopefully it will be getting better ...soon.
(taken on 2nd Jan 2006)


Rainbows from God said...

Wow...Jeremy HAS grown! He looks more alert and has a grown up look now. Hehe...the look on his face seem to say, 'Ok, I'm ready to explore now.' :)

I'm sure you'll get organised for the new routine given some time. SAHMs tend to over-commit themselves because they're home full-time. Do go easy on yourself.

I keep reminding myself to do whatever I can whenever I can. God will take care of you and your two little precious ones. :)

htt81 said...

Hi Shellen

ur son has grown so fast.time really flies so fast.

Hope u enjoy spending time with both of ur children..

For me,very busy with my work..I'm so tired after work...Do feel free to visit to my blog homepage..

nancy tang huiting