Saturday, July 01, 2006

Baby Signs

It has never occurred to me that I should impart some baby signs to Jamie when she was a little infant though I am competent enough to communicate to my hearing impaired frens. To me, signing to a newborn is a challenge and little do I believe that babies will sign as a matter of fact that they are babies!!
I was wrong!
Now with Jeremy, all those "missed chance" that it didn't come to pass on Jamie, now I do it on Jeremy. I started it off with 3 basic signs, namely, milk , sleep & eat. As I do not want to disappoint myself, I did it on casual basis.
Guess what?
After barely less than a week, now he can tell me when he wants to drink milk & this morning, he was able to sign "sleep" twice indicating that he want to nap! Whippee!! Hurray!!
I am exceptionally over the moon!! So now, I'm moving on with more signs ..... :D

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