Tuesday, February 20, 2007

My Breastfeeding Journey with Jeremy

Wanted to blog this little achievement of mine long time ago. I totally weaned Jamie off when she was around 7.5months old and for Jeremy, its 14mths !! In fact, he self weaned so it was a breeze for both of us. Looking back, I have no regrets of all the obstacles and late nights pumping and to breastfeed him. Afterall, seeing how strong and smart he is, I would still say, berastmilk is the best !!

1 comment:

Rainbows from God said...

Congrats! Absolutely!!! :)

Ya, it's nice to look back and be able to give yourself a big pat on the back for all that sweat and tears! Blood sometimes too, man! ;p Faith is still as 'hardcore' as ever, even though she can eat as much as I do! I often have mixed feelings nowadays hoping she won't wean before the next one comes and wishing she would forget and wean on another day...haha...

Now that milk supply drops due to pregnancy, we realized we're witnessing another stage of her growing up -- learning to cope and satisfy with less feed at night and gradually asking for other supplement for comfort. She still leaps happily at every invitation to nurse; but we noticed sometimes she'd go to the fridge and ask for 'cold, cold' (fresh milk) instead of scrambling up to me persistently for 'neh-neh' now. :)