Monday, April 04, 2005

Sleepless Nights

Have you ever seen any young toddler literally dozing off in sitting position??
Well, that's what happened to our dd last night. In order to keep a close watch on her, I decided to sleep on the sofa bed in her bedroom. And while I'm sleeping, subconsciously, I could hear the constant coughing. It was like once every 10-15mins or so. Then another strange thing happened, she suddenly (with eyes closed) sat up in her crib! Refusing to lay down, I supposed it must be the coughing (cos the moment she lies down, she will cough) that was so disturbing that she prefers to doze off in a sitting position!! Poor girl!!
So again, this morning I brought her to the Paed's clinic after giving her a bubble bathe & medicine as her temperature has shot up to 38.5 after a supporsitory was inserted at 4am.
This time, she went for an X-Ray to ensure that she's alright, no pneumonia or asthma. Her lungs are cleared. Next, she was given a dosage of nebuliser whereby she has to put on this mask which emit out steam (with some medication suppose to work on clearing her airway and drying up her mucous).
And the Paed didn't forget to prescribe some medicine for me as well!! Yes, I'm now down with flu and cough. Thanks to Jamie!
I must say this has been a worst & tiring period for me as I have to put up all her nonsense (she gets frustrates easily and has been throwing tanthrum), cleaning off the mucus from the corner of her nose as well as her saliva (she is currently not capable of blowing her nose and when all the mucus blocked her airway, she used her mouth to breathe instead which that's explained why the drooling from her mouth). And as she has recent history of febrile fits, I have to closely monitor her body temperature, ensuring that it doesn't hit beyond 38.5. So you can imagine, how stressful I am!!
Haiz.... and she has very very poor appetite too! And now I have to resort to those ready made baby's instant food like sweet corn, carrot, potato... anything soft, I will try!!! Many a times, while eating halfway through, she has the tendancy to cough! So cleaning up the mess is a chore too!!
Hopefully as the paed's said, she should be getting better by end of this week... I truly truly hope so. Pls pray for her speedy recovery.

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