Sunday, February 06, 2005

Reunion Dinner

I know its a bit early but as usual, we normally have our reunion dinner over the weekend, a week earlier, so that the 3 of us (and my 2 elder sis) can have our reunion dinner with our in-laws on the actual day.
We arrived nearly at 7pm cos church service was a bit lengthy thought we left halfway through the service. Though we are the last to arrived, the kids just started having their dinner first, before the adults. So I quickly took out Jamie's porridge and fed her.
As usual, my mum will prepare alot of sumptuous drooling dishes (too bad everybody was busy eating so... no pix taken) on reunion dinner. This year is a bit different. Everyone was given a bowl of sharkfin cum crab meat soup as a appettiser. Strangely after having a full bowl of that, my stomach seemed to be "well satisfied" and in the end, I only managed to have few pieces of abalonce, some toufu, prawns and half bowl of rice. Din managed to have a taste of all the dishes on the table. But that's alright. Everyone was present and this year, we had cousin Cecelia to be with us!
And Jamie had alot of fun playing in her gong gong's little room. She just loves to hover around in the small crampy room. And of course her favourite item, gong gong's chair!
gong gong Chelsea & Nicole

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