Saturday, March 05, 2005

Chingay Parade

This week's special.
All the trees along my estate's main road were brightly decorated. I was very thrilled right in the beginning of the week! There were road blocks and one can easily identify the policemen and guards here. In fact it was a 3hrs+ long Chingay programme tonight! Yup! What was performed weeks earlier at downtown can be seen right here at our heartland !
Chunquan was home around 5pm after a long hours of wedding shoot. After he had a short nap, we took Jamie down, awaiting for the parade to commence.
As expected, it was simply too crowded that we couldn't really see anything except trying to cut through our way to the main road to catch a glimpse of the performers. After an hour into the performance, I decided to catch a helicopter view from home.. hence we left Chunquan continued to snap some photos.

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